

旅居加拿大。每天都在忙于完善和成长,让自己时刻充满快乐和愉悦!营销者,设计者,管理者,画者,开拓者..... QQ:349517219 微信:aimei349517219 电话:13906393613  



我正努力度过自己投篮的低谷期 (转载)




2007-12-01 18:01:12


November 29, 2007

The NBA season is so long that there are natural peaks and valleys that every player goes through. I am going through one of those valleys right now. I just can't seem to find my rhythm and make any shots. I am shooting a career low 38% from the field. I have always prided myself on being an efficient player and I always expect myself to shoot a high percentage. I always say, "I don't take a lot of shots, but I make the shots I take count!" hahaha.

I know that shooting slumps are part of the game. The most important thing that I must do is stay positive and continue to work hard on my shooting. I am a very routine oriented player. I do the same pre-game shooting drills every game. I start my warm-up with left and right handed hooks. I must make 10 hook shots in the post with both my left and right hands on both sides of the court. After my hook shots, I must make 20 shots from 15 feet from the corners and the free throw line. After those 80 makes, I must make 50 three point shots. After the three point shots, I must make 20 free throws. I do this routine every day whether it is a practice day or a game day. Over the course of a season, I will make over thousands of shots. The repetition of my stroke is the most important aspect of my practice. When I am shooting well, I know in the split second after the ball has left my hand

· whether or not I will make the shot. When I am really aware of my shooting, I can pinpoint every shot that I miss and understand why I missed the shot. I do not get to that understanding until I put in the thousands of repetitions in practice.

I know that I will begin to make shots and my percentages will rise. I must continue to focus and concentrate on my practice so that the games become as effortless as practice.


· NBA的赛季非常的长,每个球员的状态也就自然会有起伏。现在我就在经历着自己的一个低谷时期。我找不到自己的节奏,也投不中球。现在的命中率30%是我职业生涯的新低。一直以来,我以自己是个高效的球员而自豪,而且也希望自己能有不错的命中率。我总是说:“我不投很多的篮,但是我要每一次出手都能命中!”哈哈!




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